Purposeful Life Now

I’m an avid journaler. I spend a great deal of time reflecting on Life, areas of growth, and challenges that ultimately lead me to create my road map.

There is no final destination. Life is an ongoing discovery. This journey is not only about me but also everyone else who relates to what I have gone or going through.

I always try to focus on topics that make us uniquely human, something we experience that hasn’t been formally put to paper. The kind that may not necessarily make us want to get up and do something, but reflects a thought to ponder.

Reflections are brought to life with the simple combination of a pen and the right amount of magic. With that comes all the colors and shapes that transform my inner world into a stretched canvas of expression that I can share with the world.

Life happens, and as we grow and evolve, we aim to understand ourselves and the world a little differently—hopefully, better than we did before. Purposeful Life Now results from many hours of mindful shoveling through piles of memories, heartaches, and wounds. In the process, I learn to see beauty in the not-so-beautiful life moments.

I believe words help us make sense out of the senseless. If we can view every situation, person, and event in a new light, there might just be proof that a glorious life isn’t that far out of reach.

Stay up-to-date

This is a bi-monthly roundup of my words, stories, and thoughts in an attempt to share my journey and hopefully provide a space for you to contemplate yours.

You won’t have to miss anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox. Be part of a community of people who share what matters to you.

I hope you enjoy traveling down this path with me as much as I enjoy sharing it with you.


This newsletter edition is completely free as my main aim is to connect with you. I would love to hear from you if my words have brightened up your day in any way. If you want to encourage me to keep writing, you can support my work by buying me coffee here.

Have a Purposeful Life Now!

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Your digital hangout cafe — where you enjoy contemplations at leisure. Because you need a cup of rich, dark goodness and some creative inspiration to make sense of life before reality kicks in.


Writer • Dreamer • Storyteller • I write about discovering and living your best life now.